Медицинские учереждения: адреса, услуги, цены.


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Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed report!If you have big bucks to spend, fine. I found everything very overpriced-I think 100 Kc for 2 shrimps is ridiculous for example. Most of us in Prague are not making a fortune. I am doing OK but for 2 or 3000 Kc one could get four very nice full meals in some excellent ret.suranastToo much hype on this one-if they are encouraging us to come they should have fair prices.Best booth was Monarch, for 75 Kc you got a huge plate of cheese and meats.

2017-06-13 06:19:07

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Медицинское учереждение


ООО Архи-Мед , ЧЕЛЯБИНСКАЯ ОБЛ, МАГНИТОГОРСК Г, ГАГАРИНА УЛ, д.32 (3519)37-75-28, 20-33-05

